The Stat-Teaser Newsletter Archive

The Stat-Teaser newsletter has been retired. The archive of past issues is found on this page.

Do you speak Japanese? View a Japanese translation of select Stat-Teasers, courtesy of our reseller in Japan, Hulinks Inc.

All newsletter content is now available in the bi-monthly electronic newsletter, the DOE FAQ Alert, with answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about design of experiments (DOE), plus alerts to timely articles, free software updates, etc. Sign up for the DOE FAQ Alert here.

"I am deeply impressed by the work you do to support the marketing of your products. To my knowledge there is no other company that publishes so many useful experience/success stories (e. g. the Stat-Teaser!) ... for the users of DOE software. Please continue in the same way!"
—Peter Bons, R&D Manager

October 1994

Mixture DOE Success Story in Adhesives Age
Statistical Design Tests Fantastic Footballs: Will Black Bomb Out-distance Nerf Turbo?

July 1994

DESIGN-EASE Tossed in Window (Mac too)
DESIGN-EXPERT Version 4 Takes Regression A Step Forward and Backward - Automatically
Paper clip experiment illustrates design principles.

January 1994

DESIGN-EASE Tossed in Window (Mac too)
DESIGN-EXPERT Version 4 Takes Regression A Step Forward and Backward - Automatically
Paper clip experiment illustrates design principles.

October 1993

DESIGN-EASE Tossed in Window (Mac too)
DESIGN-EXPERT Version 4 Takes Regression A Step Forward and Backward - Automatically
Paper clip experiment illustrates design principles.

April 1993

One if by Hand, Two if by 'Ease
Design-Ease for the Mac developers